Private Colleges in San Diego, CA
There's 22 private colleges found in San Diego, CA. This is about half of all the colleges listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of San Diego private colleges on this page to choose from.
San Diego Map with Private Colleges
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List of San Diego Private Colleges
Following is the list of all private colleges found in San Diego. The private colleges are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private colleges from the list.
1333 5th Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92101-4210
707 Broadway #300, San Diego, CA - 92101
750 Beyer Way Suite B-C-D-E, San Diego, CA - 92154
6116 Arosa St, San Diego, CA - 92115
9055 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92123
5315 El Cajon Boulevard, San Diego, CA - 92115-4730
6602 Convoy Court #100, San Diego, CA - 92111
2820 Camino Del Rio South Suite 100, San Diego, CA - 92108-3822
225 Cedar St, San Diego, CA - 92101-3046
4153 Market Street, San Diego, CA - 92102
4393 Imperial Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, CA - 92113-1964
8555 Commerce Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92121
350 Tenth Avenue #300, San Diego, CA - 92101
5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA - 92110
2861 Womble Road, San Diego, CA - 92106
8888 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92123-1506
1770 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92101-2607
1249 F Street, San Diego, CA - 92101
7445 Mission Valley Rd Ste 105, San Diego, CA - 92108-4407
6250 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA - 92115-3919
401 W. A Street at 1 Columbia Place, San Diego, CA - 92101-7903
1155 Island Avenue, San Diego, CA - 92101
Related Articles
The following articles will provide you with interesting information, useful tips and insights about private colleges in San Diego.
Types of College Degrees
Classification of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in College
How to Apply for Financial Aid for College
How to Choose Your College Major
Find in San Diego
Colleges of San Diego are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find San Diego colleges of that type.
- Public Colleges (4)
- Private Colleges (22)
- Community Colleges (1)
- Universities (13)
- Training Schools (2)
Find Private Colleges in California
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