Infotech Career College
Detailed Information
Following is the detailed information on Infotech Career College based on the 2020 IPEDS survey data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Race
The following chart displays the number of students based on racial backgrounds based on IPEDS data of 2020 Fall student enrollments.
Students by Gender
Following chart displays the ratio of male and female students of Infotech Career College.
Useful Links
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Nearby Private Colleges
Following is a list of other private colleges found within few miles of Infotech Career College. You may also view all private colleges in Paramount , California.
Advanced College (1.8 Miles)13180 Paramount Boulevard, South Gate, CA - 90280(562) 408-6969
PCI College (3 Miles)17215 Studebaker Road, Cerritos, CA - 90703562916505511
Fremont College (3.4 Miles)18000 Studebaker Rd., Cerritos, CA - 90703(562) 809-5100
Angeles Institute (4.1 Miles)17100 Pioneer Boulevard #170, Artesia, CA - 90701(562) 531-4100
4175 E. Conant Street, Long Beach, CA - 90808-1789(844) 308-8838
ATI College-Norwalk (4.8 Miles)12440 Firestone Boulevard #2001, Norwalk, CA - 90650(562) 864-0506
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