University of Colorado Denver
University of Colorado Denver is ranked #227 in United States by US News Best Colleges 2022 ranking.
Detailed Information
Following is the detailed information on University of Colorado Denver based on the 2020 IPEDS survey data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Estimated Cost
The following estimated costs are determined based on the preliminary release of IPEDS data of 2020 student charges for full academic year.
Students by Race
The following chart displays the number of students based on racial backgrounds based on IPEDS data of 2020 Fall student enrollments.
Students by Gender
Following chart displays the ratio of male and female students of University of Colorado Denver.
Useful Links
Use the following links to get more information on University of Colorado Denver on specific topics.
Nearby Universities
Following is a list of other universities found within few miles of University of Colorado Denver. You may also view all universities in Denver , Colorado.
Metropolitan State University of Denver (0.2 Miles)Speer Blvd and Colfax Ave, Denver, CO - 80217-3362(303) 556-3058
University of the Rockies (0.3 Miles)Tabor Center, 1201 16th Street Suite 200, Denver, CO - 80202-1787(719) 442-0505
Colorado State University-System Office (0.7 Miles)410 17th Street, Suite 2440, Denver, CO - 80202(303) 534-6290
University of Colorado System Office (1 Miles)1800 Grant St, Denver, CO - 80203-1187(303) 860-5600
The Art Institute of Colorado (1.1 Miles)1200 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO - 80203-2983(303) 837-0825
Regis University (3.3 Miles)3333 Regis Blvd, Denver, CO - 80221-1099(800) 388-2366
User Reviews
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