Universities in Charlotte, NC
There's 7 universities found in Charlotte, NC. This is 30% of all the colleges listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Charlotte universities on this page to choose from.
Charlotte Map with Universities
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List of Charlotte Universities
Following is the list of all universities found in Charlotte. The universities are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 204, Charlotte, NC - 28273
2015 Ayrsley Town Blvd., Ste. 109, Charlotte, NC - 28273
Academic Center, 801 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC - 28202
100 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC - 28216-5398
1900 Selwyn Ave, Charlotte, NC - 28274-0001
9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC - 28223
3800 Arco Corporate Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28273
Other Universities Nearby
The following universities are located nearby Charlotte.
Winthrop University (21.7 Miles)701 Oakland Ave, Rock Hill, SC - 29733
Wingate University (26.8 Miles)301 E. Wilson Street, Wingate, NC - 28174-0159
University of South Carolina-Lancaster (32.7 Miles)476 Hubbard Drive, Lancaster, SC - 29720-0889
Pfeiffer University (36.3 Miles)48380 US Hwy 52N, Misenheimer, NC - 28109-0960
Lenoir-Rhyne University (46.1 Miles)625 7th Avenue NE, Hickory, NC - 28601
110 South Main St, Boiling Springs, NC - 28017
1115 College Drive, Gaffney, SC - 29340
University of South Carolina-Union (56.1 Miles)309 East Academy St, Union, SC - 29379-0729
University of South Carolina-Upstate (66.1 Miles)800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC - 29303-4999
University of North Carolina School of the Arts (68.6 Miles)1533 South Main St., Winston-Salem, NC - 27127-2738
Related Articles
The following articles will provide you with interesting information, useful tips and insights about universities in Charlotte.
Types of College Degrees
Classification of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in College
How to Apply for Financial Aid for College
How to Choose Your College Major
Find in Charlotte
Colleges of Charlotte are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Charlotte colleges of that type.
- Public Colleges (2)
- Private Colleges (9)
- Community Colleges (1)
- Universities (7)
- Training Schools (5)
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